Residing in a small space doesn’t mean that you have to compromise when it comes to giving the home a style overhaul. One of the most common home improvements that property owners will invest in these days is bifold doors. These doors are different to the typical, traditional design, in the sense that they don’t take up as much room, thanks to their foldable design. You can find them in the window department at the vast majority of furniture and hardware stores. Normally fitted indoors with their section-folding style, they date back to Roman times! Not sure if you want to invest? Discover some basic things about these doors before hiring a skilled tradesmen to supply and install them.
Bifold Doors Allow for a Wider Field of Vision
Unlike doors that are designed with wooden, metal, fibreglass or vinyl panels, bifold doors will have a large glass section. This glass will welcome floods of sunlight into the interior space and will ultimately reduce the need for heating and lighting. Don’t just let the energy savings tempt you though, because a broader field of vision can be enjoyed with doors that have a folding mechanism. How, you ask? Well, the panels fold simultaneously and even when closed, the slender profile of the door will make it easy for you to gaze out at whatever view is staring back.
Opening Width Can be Maximised
You can purchase bifold doors in a range of sizes, so decide how much you want to maximise opening space inside the home ahead of getting the doors fitted. In most cases, the clear passage height will be around 2,500 mm and the clear width height will be approximately 2,000 mm. If floor-integrated guide rails are fitted, you will need to account for this space, so make sure you hire someone who can assess the environment and take measurements before installation commences.
Aluminium is Usually the Metal of Choice
Bifold doors can be crafted with a variety of materials, but the most popular choice for manufacturers and buyers alike is aluminium. This precious metal is affordable and although it is a lightweight option that can be moulded into a variety of shapes, it is also very enduring and so will not rust or corrode easily. This makes it a weatherproofing option and the everlasting material is available in abundance. Such a suitable option for doors is it, that it is now 17 percent more popular for frames than UPVC.
Don’t consider getting your bifold doors fitted by anyone other than the Central Glass team. Call +07 5535 2000 for a service quote.